I’ll be honest, I’m obsessed with planning. Like the very thought of writing down a plan makes my little heart swell with joy.
(Hence an entire website dedicated to planning, organization, and loads of free planning printable PDFs)
And it’s not that I’m a naturally organized person and I came out of the womb gravitating towards label makers and color-coded planners. In fact, the natural state of my brain is extremely scattered due to being a working mom with ADHD.
But that’s exactly why I crave organization. And planning (ex. daily, weekly, monthly, meal etc) is an incredibly powerful tool to help you:
- Save time
- Focus on what’s actually important
- Build healthy habits
- Get more done despite a busy schedule
Which allows you to cut through the overwhelm so you have more time for the things that matter most in your personal life.
Because planning isn’t just one more thing to throw on your to-do list. When you plan well, it can save your sanity and hours everyday… all while helping you build the life of your dreams.

Free Daily & Weekly Planning Printable PDFs
And to help people get started with planning, I’ve created The Planning Starter Kit which consists of 3 key free planning printable PDFs.
You can find the download link for these free printables below. And please note that these free downloads are for personal use only.
Printable Daily Planner PDF
This free printable daily planner is designed to help you quickly and thoroughly plan, prioritize, and schedule your day. So you can spend less time planning and stressing and more time enjoying your life.
The free printable contains 2 different templates: One is blank for you to customize as you want, the other has some suggested items filled in (i.e. daily chores, and lists the 3 typical meals).
And you can make planning your day super easy with this free printable daily planner. Honestly, you can plan your whole day in just minutes.
When it comes to daily planning, you’ll want to plan:
- Priorities. What are the 3 most important tasks you can get done today? Keeping focused on your priorities is what gets you closer to your goals.
- To-do list. This is for the most important daily tasks to get done. While i know it’s tempting to write in all the things you do everyday just so you can get the satisfaction of crossing them off, use your daily to-do list for the tasks that YOU don’t always get to. The tasks that you might forget, or that you won’t automatically get to.
- Plan meals. Use the space to jot down your plan for meals.
- Daily Chores. You may notice there are 2 versions of the daily planner. One has chores listed the other is blank. The ones listed are 5 of the most important tasks that will keep your home running smoothly even if you can’t get to other things. For more on keeping a clean home check out this free cleaning schedule.
- Schedule: Remember, without a schedule, your to-do list is a wish list. Schedule out your day and when you’ll complete each task. In scheduling, often I’ll realize that I’ve got more on my to-do list than I can realistically accomplish. This means I have to go back and eliminate the less important tasks, so I can make space for the best things.
Free Weekly Planner Printable PDF
In this Planning Starter Kit, you have a weekly planner and a weekly time blocker. Both are Monday start.
These 2 weekly planner printables allow you to fully plan out your week. But first start with the weekly planner mapping out your priorities and to-do list for the week. Here’s how to use it:
Step #1 – List Top Priorities
Determine your big goals or priorities for the week. What are the most important things you need to get done this week?
Step #2 – Make Your Weekly To-Do Lists
Then in the weekly to-do list, break down the things you need to get done to accomplish your big goals/weekly priorities. You can also throw in any other important tasks for the week. But only write down the most important tasks. Do not write in tasks you know you’ll do whether you plan or not.
Step #3 – Plan Days of the Week
With these tasks in mind, you can map out each day of the week. Write in what day you’ll accomplish the task on your to-do list. In each daily space, you might also write in event or appointments you have on those days.
Step #4 – Habit Tracker & Notes
You also have a habit tracker to help you work on building healthy and helpful habits into your life. Write in and habits you’re tracking and you’ll check off the days that you actually do that thing.
The notes section is for whatever else you have left!
While this is a great planner, your weekly planning (or even daily planning) is not complete without scheduling when you’ll do all these things. Which leads us to the…
Free Weekly Block Schedule Template
The way I see it, a to-do list without an actual schedule is just a wish list. And that’s where time blocking comes in.
Time blocking is a time management technique where you block off a period of time to complete a particular task.
For example, instead of checking your email or social media several times a day, in time-blocking, you’d set a chunk of time aside to do that.
Or instead of just saying, “today I’ll exercise”, you actually block out the time you are going to go for a run through your neighborhood or hit up the gym.
Instead of just hoping you hit everything on your to-do list you actually block out time to complete each task.
Time blocking is what takes your to-do list and actually makes it a reality. It gives you space to focus on the task at hand instead of stressing over everything you have to get done. You can relax and focus because you know that you’ve set aside time to get everything done.
And when you have space to focus, you’re much more efficient.
So with the weekly planner completed, block out your week putting in when you’ll complete each task. I highly recommend building in white space between tasks that allows for flexibility. A rigid schedule that doesn’t allow life to happen is just going to lead you to frustration!
For more weekly block schedules, check out these 8 Free Weekly Schedule Templates.
But first, we’re going to cover how to best use these planning printables
Tips to Use the FRee PLanning Printable PDFs
While you are welcome to use the daily & weekly planner templates however you see fit, here are some suggestions that will get you on the fast path to crushing your goals and building the life you want.
1 – Build it Into Your Schedule
Figure out when you’ll plan both your week and each day. Building this into your daily life is where the magic really begins.
For weekly planning, I like to plan on the Friday before or sometime during the weekend for a Monday start. Plan when you’ll plan! Building it into your schedule makes it more likely to happen.
You’ll also want to build in daily planning somewhere in your daily routine. While you can do it in the morning, it’s preferable to do it the day or night before. That way you can relax at night knowing you aren’t going to forget anything, and you can start the day with a clear plan of action.
2 – Get clear on your Goals
Before you plan anything, you have to take a step back and look at the big picture. What are your big goals? And why do you want to accomplish them? What are the most important things in your life?
Getting clear on your goals and priorities is essential to effective planning. Because your goal isn’t to fit in as much as possible into your day.
Your goal is to fit in the RIGHT things. The best things. The things that are going to help you on your way to achieving your goals and keeping you and your family happy.
And that means knowing which things aren’t worth your time and attention.
When you get clear on your goals, you’re in a much better position to actually prioritize the important stuff while letting the less important stuff go.
3 – Start with Weekly Planning (not Daily)
Breaking down tasks over the course of a week is much less overwhelming than trying to fit in a bunch of stuff every single day. Daily planning without a weekly plan is like trying to cook something with only part of the recipe. It’s stressful and hard because you don’t have the whole picture.
So you end up trying to pack too much into one day or you stress out about getting stuff done without a clear plan to do it.
And the reality is that most days don’t look the same. We have different things on different days and often we spread out our tasks over the course of the week.
Chance are you have goals and responsibilities around many things like:
- Relationships you want to nurture (family friends)
- Home Care tasks (Laundry, cleaning, shopping, meal prep)
- Work responsibilities
- Self care (exercise, relaxation)
- Community/church/volunteer responsibilities
A balanced life means addressing all these different areas. But you’re probably not getting to all these things in a single day. However, over the course of the week, you can.
Planning your week as a whole makes it so you don’t feel like you’re constantly behind because you have a big picture view of what’s going on and a plan to get things done.
Once you’ve made a weekly plan, daily planning is really easy because you’re just building off what you’ve already planned for the week.
In daily planning, you’ll use your weekly plan to map out your day taking note of any changes. Did you not get a task done from yesterday that needs to get added to today? Any other adjustments to make?
More Free Planning Printables You’ll Love
As I mentioned at the start, I’m obsessed with planning and free printables. And so it should be no surprise that I have loads more free templates to help you organize your life.
Free Monthly Calendars Templates – I have tons of different monthly calendars designs with blank space for you to write in events on important dates. These are all vertical Sunday start calendars.
Over 100 Free Printable Meal Planning Printables – This is a literal treasure trove of meal planners including weekly and monthly meal planners. Many templates include grocery lists.
Habit Tracker Templates – Use these trackers to help you build healthy habits.
More Weekly Schedule Templates – For more weekly block schedule templates, check out these 8 different weekly schedule templates
Looking for various designs of weekly and daily planner templates? Check out this other Free Printable Daily Planner. Or this Super Cute Weekly Planning Template.
Download The Free Planning Printable Templates
Well that’s it for the Planning Starter Kit! With these tips and these free planning printable PDFs, you’re ready to start getting more done each day so you can build the life of your dreams.
To grab your free downloads, click the button below. You can then sign up to get the free printable bundle sent straight to your inbox.
Whether you’ve got ADHD brain (like me!) or are just trying to get organized, I hope you live these free planning printable templates.
Free Planning Starter Kit
Ready to get organized? Grab the free Planning Starter Kit which includes:
- A Guide to Getting Started
- Daily Planning Template
- Weekly Planner
- Weekly Time Blocking Printable
Mary says
Hi, you have awesome printables. Thank you for sharing them.
I’m subscribed to your list but can’t seem to get the download for this set of planning printables that you emailed about today.
Erin says
Thanks for reaching out, Mary! The link should be working now 🙂