Do you ever feel just completely overwhelmed with motherhood? I mean, you’ve got a house to manage, meals to make, and kids to raise. Plus, you may even have a job on top of all that.
Oh and your health. You’ve got to somehow make time with all of that to make time to exercise, eat right, and feed your family healthy meals.
As busy moms, no matter how hard we try we can still feel like we are drowning in responsibilities and unmet expectations for ourselves.
I get that. 100%.

And here at the Incremental Mama, I provide encouragement and practical solutions for moms to conquer overwhelm and create more order, balance, and happiness in their lives and homes.
Here you’ll find routines and hacks to simplify life and create a space for peace and wellness.
I’m here to be your cheerleader encouraging you on this crazy journey of motherhood.
Because I know exactly how overwhelming being a mom can feel.
In 2016, I found myself the working mother of 4 kids 4 and under (not a typo and yes, all single births).
I had a newborn plus kids ages 1, 3, and 4 and I was teaching college history. All while trying to:
- keep my home from looking like news footage from after a tornado
- go to the grocery store with enough regularity to keep my family alive
- lose the baby weight from 4 back-to-back pregnancies
And it felt crazy.
I felt crazy.
And a couple months after my 4th was born, I found myself sobbing in the Costco parking lot. For the third time in as many weeks.
With groceries loaded, all 4 kids either whining or crying as they sat buckled in their car seats, I sat in the driver’s seat of my van and ugly cried.
You know that cry where you have just completely lost it. Body shaking as you try to try to breathe through the flowing tears and snot.
All while my kids were wailing in the backseats.
I couldn’t imagine feeling more overwhelmed than I did in that moment. Because I felt like I did not have what it was going to take to survive all the crazy, let alone find time to take care of myself.
(understatement of the decade, right?)
But I’m here from the trenches to tell you that no matter how overwhelmed you feel right now, it can get so much better.
And I’m not talking about years down the road when your kids are older. I’m talking about right now.
You can start now to create routines that help you keep your house organized, help you be a better mom, and lead you down the road to health.
Here’s a few places to start:
A Simple Cleaning Schedule You can Stick to
The 6 Secrets of a Stress-free Morning with Kids
I’m telling you, YOU can create a life you love and you can get started now. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not simply endured.
You’re awesome, mama.
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